#JUGL meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month


With the LoginSecure Smooth Scroll extension, you can stop anchor links from directly going to your assigned area but instead, allow a smooth scrolling effect that will not only please your visitors but it will also look a lot better.

Extension features are:

Smooth Scroll

Smooth Scroll will tie all your internal links to a handler that will produce a smooth scroll to their target instead of an instant jump.
This works in Firefox, Chrome, Edge, IE10, Opera, and Safari. Unsupported browsers would just use normal internal link behavior.

Joomla Module Functionality

An extension like this is generally expected to be a plugin. But we decided to make it a module instead.
Therefore it can be added anywhere you want with Joomla's {loadposition} syntax.
Or set the position as debug and assign to specific menu items.

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