#JUGL meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month



Find Joomla! and Joomla! London related news here.  We show the latest security updates, Joomla! announcements, information about past and upcoming meetings, and anything else we think might be relevant.


July is the month of the Semi-Annual Members Meeting of Open Source Matters and the restart of the election cycle with the Call for Manifestos


On the way to the stable version of Joomla 4, we also wanted to know how the template developers are working to adapt their products

My experience with the Beta of Joomla! 4

Joomla! 4 Beta was


Since the beginning, in Joomla, we have worked to make the web accessible to everyone because as we claim in our Accessibility Statement: Inclusion is


Joomla 4 Beta 2 was released at the end of June, taking a further step towards the stable version. It also means that Joomla users

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