#JUGL meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month



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Found an issue on an official Joomla! Website?  For example joomla.org or forum.joomla.org/ you can Report it here

Found a bug in Joomla?  Found a code problem?  Know the solution?  The best place to report this is here: https://issues.joomla.org/.  You don't need to know the answer to the problem, but if something doesn't work and you can describe it, you can report it.  Make sure the issue is definitely relate to the Joomla! core and not a plugin and do your very best to give clear precise instructions so someone will be motivated to test and fix it.  This is not for feature requests, if you have ideas to discuss, you should discuss them in the forum.  If you can write the code, you should do a RFC, request for comment, on issues.joomla.org this will open a discussion so you can see if everyone agrees it's a good idea before you write your code.  Report Issue

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